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Friday, February 7, 2014

SF7006 GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Syllabus | Anna University Regulation 2013 ME Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering First Year Second Semester Syllabus

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Anna University Syllabus

SF7006 GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Syllabus | Anna University Regulation 2013 ME Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering First Year Second Semester Syllabus.  Below is the Anna University 2013 Regulation Syllabus for 2nd Semester for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Textbooks, Reference books, Exam portions, Question Bank, Previous year question papers, Model question papers, Class notes, Important 2 marks, 8 marks, 16 marks topics.
It is applicable for all students admitted in the Academic year 2013-2014 onwards for all its Affiliated institutions in Tamil Nadu.



 To understand the dynamics of earth and its response, effect on earth structure and measures to mitigate the effects. Students are able to develop the design ground motion for a site by suitable response analysis to analyse and design geotechnical structures. Students are able to prepare a hazard and risk map.

UNIT I ELEMENTS OF EARTHQUAKE SEISMOLOGY AND DYNAMICS 6 Mechanism of Earthquakes - Causes of earthquake - Earthquake Fault sources - Elastic Rebound theory - Seismic wave in Earthquake shaking - Definition of earthquake terms - Locating an earthquake - Quantification of earthquakes.

UNIT II GROUND MOTION CHARACTERISTICS 10 Strong Motion Records -characteristics of ground motion - Factors influencing ground motion - Estimation of frequency content parameters - Seismic site investigations - Evaluation of Dynamic soil properties. 

UNIT III GROUND RESPONSE ANALYSIS - LOCAL SITE EFFECTS AND DESIGN GROUND MOTION 10 Wave propagation Analysis - Site Amplification, Ground Response Analysis - Method of analysis - One Dimensional Analysis - Equivalent linear Analysis – shear beam Analysis - site effects - Design Ground Motion - Developing Design Ground Motion. Application of software package - codal recommendations. 

UNIT IV SEISMIC STABILITY ANALYSIS 12 Earthquake Resistant Design of foundation of buildings - Design considerations - Geotechnical - Architectural - Structural - Capacity Design - Seismic analysis. Earthquake Response of slopes - Evaluation of slope stability - Pseudostatic Analysis - Newmark's Study of Block Analysis - Dynamic Analysis - Earth pressure due to ground shaking valuation - Lateral Deformation - codal provisions. 

UNIT V EARTHQUAKE HAZARD MITIGATION 7 Seismic risk vulnerability and hazard - Risk mapping - scale – changing percept of risk – vulnerability Atlas of India. Hazard assessment - Maintenance and modifications to improve hazard resistance; Seismic microzonation – methodology – scale of mapping - Different type of foundation and its impact on safety. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 

 Students are able to perform seismic stability analysis of geotechnical structures and in-situ soil by developing the design ground motion for an area based on bed rock motion and types of soils.
1. Kameswara Rao, N.S.V., Dynamics soil tests and applications, Wheeler Publishing - New Delhi, 2000.
2. Krammer S.L., Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall,Iinternational Series, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
3. Kameswara Rao, Vibration Analysis and Foundation Dynamics, Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi, 1998.
4. Mc Guire, R.K. Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 2004.
5. Mahanti, N.C. Samal, S.K. Datta, P. Nag.N.K., Diaster Management, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, 2006.
6. Wai-Fah Chen and Cgharles Scawthem, Earthquake Engineering Hand book, Caspress,2003.

7. Robert W. Day, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Hand book, McGraw Hill, 2002.

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