Anna University Syllabus - Anna University ME Syllabus
EV7003 LANDFILL ENGINEERING AND REMEDIATION TECHNOLOGY Syllabus | Anna University Regulation 2013 ME Environmental Engineering First Year Second Semester Syllabus. Below is the Anna University 2013 Regulation Syllabus for 2nd Semester for ME Environmental Engineering, Textbooks, Reference books, Exam portions, Question Bank, Previous year question papers, Model question papers, Class notes, Important 2 marks, 8 marks, 16 marks topics.It is applicable for all students admitted in the Academic year 2013-2014 onwards for all its Affiliated institutions in Tamil Nadu.
To understand the important characteristics and design principles of the waste containment and remediation industry as well as know the relevant regulations and engineering design requirements of landfills and contaminated site remediationUNIT I LANDFILL BASICS 8 Waste management Hierarchy- Need for landfills –Environmental Protection by Landfills- Landfill Classification – Sanitary and Secure Landfills - Components and Configuaration - Legal framework for landfilling – Landfill Site investigation- Regional Landfills- Environmental control using site design –- Landfill Design Tasks
UNIT II LANDFILL LINERS AND COVER SYSTEMS 10 Landfill barrier system components – Design of Compacted clay liners: Factors affecting hydraulic conductivity , Water content-density criteria, Thickness, Desiccation - Geosynthetic Clay Liners and Geomembranes; types, manufacturing, handling, seaming and testing - Asphalt Barriers and Capillary barrier - Composite Liner system design- liner construction and quality control- Leakage through Liners- vapor transmission and chemical compatibility - Installation of Geomembranes - Liner Leakage Mechanism – Diffusion - Controls on advection through liners - Single phase flow-advection-diffusion- Landfill cover systems- Design of Cover Systems – Daily Cover – Intermediate Cover – Final Cover - Flow through Landfill Covers- Design and Analysis of Slope Stability- Anchor Trenches- Access ramps - Erosion control
UNIT III LEACHATE AND LANDFILL GAS MANAGEMENT 9 Waste decomposition in landfills - Factors affecting leachate and landfill gas generation – Factors affecting Leachate Quantity in active and post closure conditions- Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) model – Leachate Drainage Layer – Geotextile and Geonet design – Leachate Collection and Removal systems-Temporal trends in leachate composition – Design of Landfill gas collection and removal systems- Gas condensate issues & knockouts - Leachate treatment methods (biological and physico-chemical)- Leachate re-circulation & bioreactor landfills- monitoring and control of leachate and Landfill gas- Landfill Settlement
UNIT IV LANDFILL OPERATION AND CLOSURE 8 Landfill Construction and Opeartional Controls – Fill Sequencing Plans – Cell Construction- Dozer and Compactor operations-Selection of Landfill Equipment- Landfill Administration-Record Keeping -Topographic mapping-Environmental Controls – Odour, Vector and Litter Control – Landfill Safety -Fire Control – Ground and Surface water Monitoring – Methane Gas monitoring - Audits of landfill environmental performance and management – Post Closure care and use of landfills – Landfill Economics- landfill construction and operational cost estimation – establishing tipping fees
UNIT V CONTAMINATED SITE REMEDIATION 10 Contaminaed sites - Fate and behaviour of toxics and persistent substances in the environment – Engineering Issues in Site Remediation - Site Characterization - Framework for risk assessment at landfill sites - Remediation Principles: Source Control and Management of Migration Covers, Cut-off Walls, Solidification / Stabilization - Pump-and-Treat Systems - Solvent Vapor Extraction, Air Sparging, Soil Flushing – Bioremediation - Natural Attenuation - Remedy Selection and Risk Assessment – Geotechnical Aspects of In Situ Remediation Technology - Specific case studies in contaminated site remediation – Rehabilitation of Open dumps- Landfill Mining TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
OUTCOMES: On Completion of the Course, the Candidate should:
- Have an overview of the Indian and international landfill regulations and guidelines for the design, construction, operation and management of landfills
- understand the design and construction of landfills, processes in landfills, methods for management and treatment of landfill gas and leachate
- have an in-depth understanding of the key pollutants in leachate and gas, their potential environmental impacts and the engineering design and performance of control systems used to manage and treat pollutant and waste emissions from sites.
- Be able to apply a risk based assessment of contaminated sites and implement site remediation technologies
1. Robert M. Koerner and Donald H Gray (2002), Geotechnical aspects of Landfill Design and Construction, Prentice Hall, New Jersy.
2. Neal Bolton P.E (1995), “The Handbook of Landfill Operations”, Blue Ridge Services Inc., Atascadro, CA – ISBN 0-9646956-0-x
3. David E Daniel and Robert M. Koerner (2007), “ Waste Containment Facilities –Guidance for construction Quality Assurance and Construction Quality Control of Liner and Cover Systems, American Socirty of Civil Engineers, ASCE Press.
4. Donald L Wise and Debra J Trantolo (1994), “Remediation of Hazardous Waste Contaminated Soils, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York
5. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel A, Vigil, “Integrated Solid Waste Management, Mc-Graw Hill International edition, New York, 1993.
6. Hari D Sharma and Krishna R. Reddy (2004), Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site Remediation, Waste Containment, and Emerging Waste Management Techonolgies, John Wiely, New Jersy
7. Oweis, I.S. and Khera, R.P (1998) Geotechnology of Waste Management, 2nd Edition, PWS Publishing Co., Boston, MA
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